In Search of the Past (Stacey and Shane Mcleod, #2) Read online

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  Shane had come downstairs early and joined his dad having coffee. Shane told him about the conversation with Lord Wakefield and his offer to go to Scotland with Stacey. Though now he was having second thoughts. Shane didn’t want to tell his dad that he had just left Stacey’s bed and that was why he was having second thoughts.

  “Do what you think is best son,” his dad said, “you know two heads are always better than one.” Andrew had noticed the body language between his son and Stacey at the table this morning. He was almost certain something had gone on between them. He hoped so anyway, he really did like and admire this young woman. Shane stood up and said, “I’m going. I’ll go get my case.”

  “I can never repay ya’ll for the wonderful hospitality you’ve shown me,” Stacey said. “If you ever come to Texas you’ll be treated like royalty, that I can promise you. My great Aunt Lora Flemming would love to tell her neighbors, “I have the English visiting.”

  My whole tribe is a mixed breed. You might say, ‘we’re leather and feather people,’ but Aunt Lora thinks she’s all English, we just let her think it, even though she was born in Texas.”

  Stacey gave hugs to everyone. Shane’s mother gave her a jar of blackberry jam. “This is for Mr. Chen,” she said.

  Stacey thanked her and headed for the door. Uncle John and Andrew were putting the cases in the car. “You have the keys, so you can drive,” Stacey said.

  As Andrew closed Stacey’s car door, he told her, “I think you’re an extraordinary young woman. It has been a pleasure to meet you.”

  “Thank you sir, that means a lot to me,” Stacey said.

  He came around to Shane’s side and said, “Drive carefully son. If you happen to see your grandmother, tell her we’ll be home next weekend.”

  Chapter 11


  As they left the driveway and turned right on Maxwell road, Shane asked. “What’s in your lap?” He saw his mother give her something but didn’t know what is was. He was surprised at the charming impression she made on everyone.

  “Your mother gave me a jar of blackberry jam, for Mr. Chen,” she said. “Wasn’t that nice of her?” Stacey could tell by the sound of his voice he wasn’t pleased by his families reaction to her. For the life of her she didn’t understand why he objected.

  “Jolly good,” he said. “it seems you have the lot eating from the palm of your hand.”

  Shane knew his attitude was wrong and with soul searching he still couldn’t figure out why he resented his family liking Stacey. She was a beautiful, likeable, young woman and he should be pleased that they all liked her. The sharp edge, Stacey heard in Shane’s voice put her on guard. She narrowed her eyes as she looked at him and said, “All but you, huh?”

  “I think you know where you have me,” Shane replied. The words were no sooner out of his mouth that he regretted saying them. He was having mixed feelings about the whole situation.

  “No I don’t,” Stacey said, “but I have other things on my mind right now, so that can wait.”

  Stacey unbuckled her seatbelt, turned around and put the jar of jam in a shopping bag of things she’d picked up yesterday. “Where do you want to go first?” Shane asked.

  “To the library in Chatington; I wanna’ print out maps of medieval England, Scotland and one each of modern times.”

  “We could’ve done that on Uncle John’s computer,” Shane said, rather gruffly.

  “Yes, I suppose I could’ve, but I had other things on my mind.”

  Shane make no reply, but Stacey didn’t like his surly attitude and said, “Shane, I realize we don’t know each other very well, however, if you have a problem with me tell me now; so we can put a stop to this before we’re too far down the road.”

  Shane felt as though he had been punched in the gut and said, “Forgive me, Stacey,” he was surprised by the finality in her attitude. “I have no problem with you. Believe me when I say, I’m right where I want to be.”

  She wasn’t anywhere near convinced and asked, “Are you sure about that?”

  This kind of attitude was exactly what she had wanted to avoid. It was his idea to come along to Scotland with her, of course, that was before they arrived home and things kind of got out of control.

  “Yes, I’m sure, very much so,” he said with a smile and reached over and took her hand. Shane realized all of a sudden that Stacey was an independent young woman, and not one that would tolerate regrets.

  At the library they had the maps printed out in no time. They were at a table with the maps spread out trying to get an idea which way the countess and her girls might have traveled to Scotland, many long years ago. Then it dawned on Stacey, if they could find out the monks last name, they would stand a better chance. They knew his first name was, Ian. The librarian wanted to help, however, she had nothing other than the name, St. Gregory, and the year it was destroyed. Of course, there was no guarantee that brother Ian went to live at St. Gregory’s. He may have put those papers in safe keeping with some other monk after it was built. The librarian did suggest, they go to Windingham and speak with the bishop there. He might be able to help. Stacey thanked her very much for her assistance and they headed north to Windingham.

  They were riding along with the music low on the radio. Stacey had a relaxed, contented look on her face. Ever so often she would glance at Shane. He was watching her from the corner of his eye. “If you keep looking at me like that, I’m going to pull over and kiss you.”

  “So, pull over,” Stacey said. Shane unbuckled his seatbelt and took her in his arms. Just at that time, a car load of teenagers went by whistling and shouting encouragement at them. With no encouragement needed, Shane kissed her deep and longingly. Stacey pushed back the lock of black hair that always seemed to fall on his forehead. His kiss was warm and sensual, but Stacey knew she had a place to be and a short time to search.

  “Now that’s taken care of, on to Windingham. Okay?”

  “Yes pretty lady, however, you’re not going to get away that easily.”

  “I certainly hope not,” Stacey said, as she smiled her impish grin.

  The librarian had given them the bishop’s address. It took a while to locate his house. The town wasn’t large, although, it was complicated. The streets looked like they might’ve been laid out by a drunken cowboy on a run away horse. They finally located the bishop’s residence and was welcomed in for a cup of tea.

  The librarian had been considerate and had called ahead. The bishop understood what they were looking for, however, he wasn’t at all sure he could help them. He did assure them, that he would do all that he could. If they would check back on Monday, he would hope to have news, one way or the other for them. Stacey thanked the bishop and told him that she had very little time left. That she must leave for the states on Sunday of the coming week.

  As they were driving around looking for a hotel, Shane asked, “Are you hungry?”

  “Just for you,” Stacey said with a smile. Once again Shane was surprised by her. She was so straight forward with what she felt or wanted. She played no games, no coyness. “Right, hotel first,” he said.

  It was around two p.m. when they found the hotel. It was rustic, but did have private baths in the rooms. They carried their own bags up to the second floor. The room was clean. It had no TV, but then, they didn’t come here to watch TV. The bathroom had no tub, just a very skinny shower, amazingly, it did provide two white terrycloth robes.

  “Somebody must’ve been watching the travel channel,” Stacey remarked.

  There was a phone and a hand written card that read, ‘Room service available.’

  “Now that you’ve inspected the room, how about you come and inspect me,” Shane said, after watching Stacey look the room over.

  “Are you part of the service sir?”

  “I’m here to serve you, pretty lady.”

  Stacey walked over to him, he took her in his arms and kissed her. They both were busy exploring each others bodies. Their
making love was much a repeat of the night before, except this time, they took their time.

  Shane touched and kissed her warm willing body until she was about ready to beg him. He helped her peak before he took his own pleasure and took her to heights she had not before reached. They laid satiated in each others arms. When Shane could breathe normal again, he raised his head to looked for something to go between her legs. All he saw was his knickers, so he used them.

  “Are all lovers this messy, or is it just us?” Stacey asked.

  Shane chortled, his low husky laugh and held her tighter in his arms. “I think we’re probably normal,” he said.

  Stacey thought, for a while then said, “Shane, I need to ask you some questions.”

  “Sure sweetheart, have a go.”

  “When a person has sex, do they always have this much pleasure, no matter who their partner is?”

  Shane was quiet for a bit, then said, “I can only speak for myself, however, I don’t think so.

  Truly, I’ve had more pleasure with you than I’ve ever had with any other woman. You’re the most sensual woman I’ve ever known.”

  Stacey smiled and thought; what an old smoothie. I bet he tells that to every woman, No Matter, I like hearing it just the same. Stacey didn’t realize her innocent, provocative questions and exploring hands were exciting him again. At the same time; Shane didn’t like where her questioning might be leading. He didn’t like the idea of her ever being with someone else. He felt very possessive toward her as if he had made her his own. Today when she told the bishop, she would be leaving in about a weeks time was the first time it had really dawned on him that she would be leaving England.

  Shane chided himself, for being such a fool. He was having unfamiliar feelings for her and suspected he was falling in love with her. How was he to tell her? Or should he tell her? I should bloody well have stopped this when I first knew I was attracted to her. I’m thirty-three years old, she’s a college girl of twenty-one. What did I think, because she gave me her virginity, I had her heart too? Am I truly in love with her or am I just infatuated with her youth and beauty?

  “What’s wrong?” Stacey asked. “You seem so far away.”

  “No my sweetheart, I’m right here with you.” Shane kissed her to stop the questions he knew were coming. At first he was flattered that she wanted him to teach her about sex, but somewhere along the way his heart had gotten in the way. This was new to him. Never before had his heart been involved with any woman. Now he wasn’t sure what to do about it. Of course, Shane had noticed the tiny ruby in Stacey nose back when she was in hospital. Now he noticed the small tattoo of a butterfly on the left side of her abdomen, just above her hipbone. Another bloody reminder of their age difference.

  Stacey knew something was wrong, but didn’t know what. Maybe he was just hungry. He had dozed off, so she showered and called room service. She tried to be as quiet as possible, so as not to wake him. She took the phone to the bathroom to call room service. After speaking with the front desk, she got dressed and went out. When she came back Shane was still asleep.

  Stacey kicked off her shoes and crawled upon the bed on her hands and knees. She kissed him all over his face until he woke. “Wake up sleepy head. I have vittles. You know, if I was a Comanche, I would have your scalp on my belt.”

  “I know that story, Shane said. “If you were a Comanche you would be a princess and you would take me as your prisoner and your lover. If any of the braves tried to kill me you would throw yourself over me and save my life.”

  “No, no,” Stacey said, “you’re thinking of Pocahontas and John Smith. You’re in the wrong part of the country. Now my brave lover, I know I have to feed you if you’re going to make mad passionate love to me.”

  Stacey knew this was her best chance to learn all about making love. She knew with Shane being an older, experienced man, that there would be no repercussions. After this little Liaison, was over she would go home and back to school with no one the wiser. Shane brought her back to the present when he said, “For that I’m going to need sustenance.”

  “Yes my lord. It awaits you on the table.”

  “Excellent,” Shane said, “however, I must to go to the loo and take a quick shower first.”

  When he came out of the loo with his robe on, Stacey was still sitting on the bed.

  “What’s a-miss lass?”

  “I don’t know, I just had déjà vu,” Stacey said. “It’s like I’ve been here-done this before.”

  She shook her head to clear it. “I’m hungry, let’s eat. I bought pastrami on rye, dill pickles and chocolate chip cookies big as cow patties.”

  “What’s that?” he asked.

  “You’re a city boy, if I tell you, you might not eat’em.” As they ate, they talked. “I don’t know your likes and dislikes. I hope you like what I brought.”

  “This is delicious,” Shane said with his mouth full of pastrami. Stacey handed him tea with which to wash it down. “What would you fancy doing today?”

  Stacey raised her eyebrow at him and said, “Other than being ravished by you, I really can’t think past that. What would you like to do?”

  Shane smiled at her and said, “Other than ravishing a beautiful woman, I’d fancy spending my time right here in bed with her.”

  Chapter 12

  Love Comes Calling

  After his hunger was satisfied, Shane noticed Stacey was dressed. The suspicion crossed his mind that she was leaving. “Why are you dressed?” he asked.

  “I thought you’d never ask,” Stacey said. “I called room service, but it seems service is a ‘bit muddled’ today. The hotel doesn’t have a full kitchen just a small one for heating water for tea and coffee. There is a restaurant three streets over, when the hotel guest calls for room

  service, the hotel calls the, ‘ Hare and hounds.’ That’s the name of the restaurant. Well, the

  restaurant makes the meal and a delivery person brings it to the hotel. However, today they can’t deliver because the delivery person had a ‘motor mishap.’ I love you Brits, ya’ll are so, upper crust.”

  Shane frowned at this, but didn’t comment. Stacey continued on, “So, I went to the restaurant myself. I also brought you some crackers and pate. I know you like that.”

  When the food was finished, Shane took Stacey’s hand and brought her around to sit in his lap. “Now that I’ve had sufficient sustenance,” he said. “I feel I can continue with my duties of making love to you,” Shane kissed her and there was no argument from her. Their kissing and caressing along with the disrobing had them both excited again. Stacey was new at this, but she remembered what the girls in the dorm had said who were experienced. Stacey kissed and caressed him until he pulled her to him. She mounted him and as the rhythm increased, she threw her head back in ecstasy. She reminded him of a wild mare frolicking with a stallion. With her wild abandonment, she took them both to heights previously unknown. Shane carried her to the bed and there he held her tightly in his arms.

  There was no doubt in Shane’s mind, he knew he was in love with Stacey. He loved the way her body responded to his touch and she was open and honest about finding his body erotic, especially the hair on his chest. He remembered, both Tiffany and Miranda had asked him to have his chest waxed. Of course, he refused. Now he had fallen in love with the most beautiful, passionate young woman he had ever met and she desired him just the way he was. Shane was so quiet, Stacey wondered if she’d gone to far with her desire to pleasure him. After a bit she asked, “Shane, did I do something wrong or was I too forward? As you know, I’m new at this, so if I don’t please you, you must tell me.”

  Shane curled her hair around his fingers and softly said, “It would be impossible to tell you how much you please me. I think I’m in over my head lass.”

  Stacey misunderstood his meaning. She propped up on her elbow, ran her fingers through his hair and said, “Please don’t feel that way, Shane. I’m not expecting anything from you. No one
need ever know about this except you and I. I’ll be going back to Texas soon, so don’t worry, okay. I’m not some big mouth that runs around telling people my personal business.”

  Shane was at a loss at what to say. Now there was no way he could tell her he was in love with her. She was merely using him to teach her about sex and nothing more. Stacey knew from the get-go, this handsome, sexy, sophisticated man could never be seriously interested in a college girl and he knows I’ll be leaving in a week. She told herself; I have no room to complain, after all I was the one who made advances to him. Stacey kissed him, smiled and said, “Shane, let’s have no regrets. I’ll be leaving in a week and I won’t complicate your life, I promise.” They kissed again and again. There was no going back. Passion was strong between these two.

  Sunday morning they went to breakfast at the, ‘Hare and hounds.’ They walked around the village hand in hand, then rented bicycles and rode out into the countryside. They stopped at a little country pub for lunch. In the late afternoon, Stacey went into a chemist shop and bought feminine products. She knew girls used them after sex as well as after their period. This made Shane start wondering, if Stacey used birth control. He would ask her back at the hotel, however, when they reached the hotel and Stacey smiled at him all was forgotten except his overwhelming desire and need for her.

  Later as he held her in his arms he asked, “Sweetheart, are you on birth control?”

  “No, why would I be?” Stacey asked with surprise.

  “Have you thought about the possibility, I may have gotten you pregnant?” Shane asked concerned.

  “No, I haven’t, but if I am, I’ll take care of it. There’s no stigma to single mothers today and there’s no better place for kids to grow up than on a ranch.”